What Are Inlays and Onlays?

Whether due to injury or decay, you may need your tooth reshaped or filled to return it to normal function. This can be done with a regular filling, or a crown when the entire tooth is compromised. But what are the options in between? This is where inlays and onlays come into play. Get in contact with your Naples, FL, dentist Dr. JW Valentine of Eagle Creek Dentistry to find out which treatment best suits your needs.


If the cusps of your ailing tooth are unaffected by damage, your dentist will often try to save them. But if the area is too large for a regular filling, this will have to be pre-molded at a lab.

First, the dentist removes the decay and makes an impression of the area of the tooth that will be replaced.

Dental inlays are often made of porcelain or composite resin which makes the results look more natural, and usually last longer than regular fillings.


While inlays repair mainly the inner valleys of the tooth, onlays can treat major damage. Damage that extends to the cusps of the tooth.

The process is similar to an inlay. Except the onlay is fitted onto the tooth similar to how a crown would be. But without replacing the entirety of the natural crown.

Temporary Inlays and Outlays

Because both are manufactured in the lab it can take a few days, or more than a week, until your permanent inlay or onlay is ready. So your dentist may fit you with a temporary one.

In the meantime avoid chewing on hard foods, or anything sticky. Don't floss around the treated tooth, instead, you may use mouthwash.

If your temporary inlay or outlay does fall out, you should see your dentist as soon as possible. As the exposed tooth can be very painful.

Inlays and Onlays Treatment in Naples, FL

Don't let your cavities go untreated. You can halt further decay and can prevent more extensive treatment the earlier you seek care. So don't delay in calling Dr. Valentine of Eagle Creek Dentistry in Naples, FL, at (239) 417-6453.

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